Dying for the right cause is the more human thing to do

Blade Runner 2049

Submission to “Creative Brief: Gallery 2049” at PosterSpy.

This is an alternative movie poster for Blade Runner 2049, the amazing film directed by Denis Villeneuve. The idea of this poster born a few hours after I watched the movie on October 7th, 2017. I made a couple of photo-sketches in black and white, to mostly work on the composition, but I never began to draw or paint it. Other (personal) issues claimed my attention and reduced my energies.

I left the idea of making a Blade Runner 2049 poster behind, untill Poster Spy challenged the artist community with this great Creative Brief. For me, a movie poster (an official or an alternative one) is always about the soul of the film, of the story. I try to capture it, respecting the director’s vision, and to depict my view as consistently as possible. This is the result.

As always, this’ been painted digitally using a Wacon Intuos pro, with promotional pictures and concept art as reference, plus stock photos for textures.

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